Introduction - Personal data relates to you - a living individual (Data subject) who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller's possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Data held by the Club - Name - Address - Wife/Partner/Next of Kin's name - Telephone number - email address - Former occupation - Interests - Date of birth.
Data Storage - Member's records are held by the Club's Membership Secretary in a secure location. Members are also in possession of a Membership Directory which is issued annually and is their private property.
Authority - The Club keeps signed consent letters confirming each member's authority to retain and keep their personal data.
Requirements - The club needs this data to contact members and their partners by e-mail, letter or telephone.
Leaving Members - When a member leaves the Club, their records are destroyed after twelve months from the leaving date.
Sharing Information - The club will not share this data with any individual or organisation outside the Club.
Current Records - The Club will review member's records every twelve months and update as necessary.
Data Protection Officer - The Club does not have a Data Protection Officer due to its size. The Club Committee is responsible for this protocol.
Member's Rights - Members have the right to access the personal data the Club holds about them, correct any inaccuracies, and can receive copies of that data by writing to the Club Membership Secretary.